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AmazingTalker has accumulated over 300,000+ users. Whether you are looking for any Emotional Healing expert, we can meet your needs and provide the most up-to-date student feedback data for your reference. If you have specific requirements and wish to have a specific expert understand your learning needs in depth, you can use the advanced settings function to let us know your requirements. We will use AI to automatically recommend suitable experts for you. If you want to view more user Emotional Healing experience reviews, this page will provide you with transparent information, including Emotional Healing service fees and other related information for your reference.
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AmazingTalker, an online Emotional Healing learning platform that offers a wide range of classes for all levels from kids to adults with 1.4m students around the world!
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Mindfullness 是从规律性的刻意练习开始培养的。这几周开始的mindfulness练习(虽然断断续续),从刻意的身体觉察开始慢慢过渡到对生活中行为的一点点觉察。和Janice讨论了我这期间有观察到一种经常会困扰自己的情境,可能正是因为以往的autopilot行为模式而没有对当下行动时觉察的实际体现,而这样往复的循环可能潜在中造成对自己的不信任感。Janice提供了一个solution:做的时候集中精力在当下行为上,然后给自己留一些时间在这个空间里观察,给自己“已经完成”的肯定。另外一点,在情绪出现时/被“看见”时不要急着做出反应,并且要知道不管在什么情况下自己都有做出任何反应的决定权。今天的课程新加入了raisin meditation。对任何事物,即使再微小或再常见,都要抱持open curiosity去观察去感受。接下来一周要找时间进行练习。