
🎵 Ken 🇬🇧 UK Master grad 😃 DailyConversation🏆WritingExpert🇭🇰DSE🌎IELTS

For Academia/ For Fun


🇭🇰From HK; Been living in the 🇬🇧UK for 7+ years with 4+ years teaching experience in English and Music. 🏆With a Master degree from The University of Edinburgh(QS rank#15 in the world), Ken's academic English is even better than many native speakers! 🎵Ken is also s a game composer and sound designer. He loves talking about music production and games. 💻He directed English voice over recordings for 30+ games. He can coach your voice and accent! 🙃He travels a lot. He is also knowledgable and interested in a wide range of topics: music, art, science, technologies, maths, economics, sports, health, dining, gaming, politics.. 😎He will also document each son in a pdf file for you to revise on what you've learnt. 🌈Great fun (topics of your interest, gaming, trending news, UK cultures) 🦄Speaking practice 🦄Writing practice with proofreading service after each son 😃Hybrid sons(for all ages) with a balanced mixture of grammar practice, listening and reading exercises with videos and artic , and game time(Roblox, Minecraft, Pictionary, Scrabble...) Topics: The 9 tenses : Food The 9 tenses : Work The 9 tenses : Minecraft The 12 tenses : Spy x Family The 6 thinking hats for presentations The 6 thinking hats for interviews The 6 thinking hats for writings The 6 thinking hats for casual conversations The 6 thinking hats for research Prepositions for time Prepositions for location Prepositions in phrasal verbs Comparative adjectives Comparative adverbs If statements : 0 1 2 3 4 types Relative clauses: defining/non-defining Relative clauses: the relative pronouns Relative clauses: with prepositions Relative clauses: as questions Particip in parts of speech Participle clauses in news artic Participle clauses in news tit Participle clauses in creative stories Participle clauses in descriptive writings Participle clauses in conversations Persuasive writing/speaking task: the negotiation strategies Persuasive writing/speaking task: the magic list Persuasive writing/speaking task: the 6 thinking hats Persuasive writing/speaking task: conjunctions Descriptive and Creative writing: Simple Story Mountain Descriptive and Creative writing: Advanced plot elements Descriptive and Creative writing: Ups and Downs Descriptive and Creative writing: Character transformation Descriptive and Creative writing: physical/mental changes Descriptive and Creative writing: Sequencing approach Descriptive and Creative writing: Character transformation Descriptive and Creative writing: SHAMPOO Descriptive and Creative writing: Direct speech Descriptive and Creative writing: Reported speech Research : Coming up with questions Research : Data collection methods Research : Analysis methods Research : Citations Research : Conclusions and new ideas Research : Self learning techniques Pronunciation: the IPA sounds Pronunciation: linking words Pronunciation: pacing and stresses Pronunciation: vocalisation techniques Pronunciation: HK vs UK accents, features analysis Discussion : UFO Discussion : Aliens Discussion : Pyramids Discussion : Mahjong Discussion : AI tech Discussion : Beluga Discussion : Minecraft Additional info: 💎The system only allows you to cancel/reschedule a son 12hours before it starts. Let me know if you cannot cancel/reschedule a son, I might be able to do it. 💎In our first son, I will ask you about what you'd like to practice on and your topics of interest. You could answer that in either English, Cantonese or Mandarin. I will also evalute your English level but don't worry it's not an exam. It's just for helping me to design better sons that you could both enjoy and learn from. 💎After each son, I could proofread a piece of your English writing for free as long as it is about 500 words. It would be ideal if you could also provide additional information about it. For example, if it is for a school subject with an assignment brief or a writing exercise with background info/requirements about the topic that you're writing). 💎 Students could accumulate their proofreading word count limit if they did not use it right away. For example, after 4 writing sons, you could send me a piece of writing within 2000words to proofread. You could accumulate the word count limit up to 8000.



(レッスンのレビュー334 )





    • 2009 - 2013 hktutor
    • 2017 - 2021 Superprof
    • 2012 - 2014 Outblaze
    • 2014 - 2018 Animoca Brands


    • 2016 - 2018 University of Edinburgh Sound Design

    • 2009 - 2012 School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University Visual Communication Design

    • 2009 - 2013 hktutor
    • 2017 - 2021 Superprof
    • 2012 - 2014 Outblaze
    • 2014 - 2018 Animoca Brands
    • 2016 - 2018

      University of Edinburgh

      Sound Design

    • 2009 - 2012

      School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

      Visual Communication Design



    • レッスンを購入した後、先生のスケジュールを確認して、予約できます。
    • 先生のプロフィールに「即時レッスン可能」が表示されたら、今の時点から30分後予約可能です。
    • 先生はリアルタイムではない場合、次のレッスンはその後の24時間まで予約できません。


    • 体験レッスンは25分です。
    • 正式なレッスンは50分です。
    • 5レッスン以上を購入すると、割引があります。(講師が設定した価格による)


    • 授業開始の10分前にAmazingTalkerをログインして、「予約したレッスン」をクリックしてください。そして、予約されたレッスンの「Go to class」をクリックすると、ZOOMに入ります。
    • スマホ・タブレット・パソコンで対応できます。スマホの場合、ZOOMのAPPをダウンロードします。


    • 何か問題が発生した場合、「Report Issue」をクリックしてください。講師は予約時間を変更できます。またはATクレジットを払い戻します。
    • 先生が返事しない場合は、ATクレジットが自動的に払い戻されます。
    • レッスンを購入した後、先生のスケジュールを確認して、予約できます。
    • 先生のプロフィールに「即時レッスン可能」が表示されたら、今の時点から30分後予約可能です。
    • 先生はリアルタイムではない場合、次のレッスンはその後の24時間まで予約できません。
    • 体験レッスンは25分です。
    • 正式なレッスンは50分です。
    • 5レッスン以上を購入すると、割引があります。(講師が設定した価格による)
    • 授業開始の10分前にAmazingTalkerをログインして、「予約したレッスン」をクリックしてください。そして、予約されたレッスンの「Go to class」をクリックすると、ZOOMに入ります。
    • スマホ・タブレット・パソコンで対応できます。スマホの場合、ZOOMのAPPをダウンロードします。
    • 何か問題が発生した場合、「Report Issue」をクリックしてください。講師は予約時間を変更できます。またはATクレジットを払い戻します。
    • 先生が返事しない場合は、ATクレジットが自動的に払い戻されます。

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