
⭐Nellie⭐ the fluency coach🏆

3062회 영어 수업 완료
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영어원어민 수준
페르시아어원어민 수준
✨Special offer, available only until September✨ 🥇 +8 IELTS 🥇 +10 years teaching experience 🥇 Master's degree in linguistics 🥇 Bachelor's degree in English literature 🥇 +10 ESL and TEFL expert 🥇 IELTS and TOEFL professional 🥇 Qualified and passionate teacher 💜Super friendly, patient, yet focused and serious 😊 Fun and engaging learning atmosphere ✅ English for adults (beginner to advanced) ✅ In the trial son I'll find your weakness, personalize your course What do I teach? 🗨👩CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH ✅ BASIC LEVEL After 10 sessions you will be able to talk about: 👪 Personal information and relationships 🌞 everyday life 😎 personalities and appearance 🍔 food and drink 🚌 public and private transportation and directions 🏛 places ( country to home) 💻 study and work, computer 🎳 hobbies and interest 💯 social English ✅ INTERMEDIATE LEVEL After 10 sessions you will be able to talk about: 🥣 diets and lifestyle 🤒 medical and health issues 🚶♀️ Body and movements 👨🎤 celebrities 🌄 urban and rural life 🌏 universe and the Earth 📺 media and entertainment 💼 Business and finance ✅ADVANCED LEVEL After 10 sessions you will be able to talk about: 🎤 Social and political issues 🎭 Art and culture 📱 Technology 🐠 Climate change and wildlife 🛫 Migration 👮♂️ Crime and the police 📰 Journalism 💸 Innovation and marketing 💳 Career and finance issues 💬 Figures of speech 🎯 You will be able to talk about a wide variety of topics confidently with correct pronunciation and structure. You will impress others with your English and can you can share your opinions and feelings with native speakers easily. 📚 EXAM PREPARATION 📝 IELTS You will receive: ✅ Actual topics asked in IELTS speaking tests ✅ Actual IELTS writing test samp ✅ Actual IELTS reading samp ✅ Actual IELTS listening samp 👉 You will also receive tips and tricks to perform the best of you in every single task. 🎯 After the course you will have ✅ built up your writing, reading, listening and speaking skill at the same time ✅ improved your vocabulary range as well as grammar and pronunciation accuracy ✅ built up your confidence 📝 TOEFL You will receive: ✅ Actual topics asked in TOEFL speaking tests ✅ Actual TOEFL writing test samp ✅ Actual TOEFL reading samp ✅ Actual TOEFL listening samp 👉 You will also receive tips and tricks to perform the best of you in every single task. 🎯 After the course you will have ✅ built up your writing, reading, listening and speaking skill at the same time ✅ improved your vocabulary range as well as grammar and pronunciation accuracy ✅ built up your confidence 📖 READING COMPREHENSION You will ✅ Read and understand different types of passages (artic , news, columns, assays, etc.) ✅ use different techniques when reading tests ✅ increase your speed and comprehension ✅ do different types of questions in reading tests 📜🖋 WRITING COURSES You will ✅ develop your writing through paragraphs ✅ write different types of Essays ✅ identify what type of Essays you are being asked to write ✅ analyze charts and graphs and describe them in your writing ✅ use wide range of vocabulary and structures 🎤 SPEAKING COURSES You will be able to: ✅ speak about different topics with correct: 👉 pronunciation 👉 grammar 👉 collocation ✅ learn a wide range of related vocabulary ✅ sound more confident 🎧 LISTENING COURSES You will able to: ✅ understand audios and videos pretty well ✅ improve your general listening skills ✅ build up your topic vocabulary ✅ do different types of questions in listening tests ✅ avoid confusing similar words ⭐ CAREER GROWTH / INTERVIEW You will be able to: ✅ confidently answer wide range of questions in job interviews ✅ speak naturally and with correct structure ✅ learn interview techniques and skills Who can take my sons? ⚡️BEGINNER TO ADVANCED STUDENTS⚡️ 😊 Students who 🔵 are preparing to take a proficiency exam (IELTS, TOEFL) 🔵 wish to improve their English 🔵 build up their speaking, writing, reading and listening skills separately or together 🔵 work on their pronunciation and trying to sound like a native 🔵 take grammar based sons IN MY CLASSES YOU WILL HAVE: 👉customized and personalized teaching materials according to your needs and goals 👉a strong focus on grammatical accuracy and pronunciation 👉identifying your strength and weaknesses and make you improve 👉fun and learn at the same time 👉Challenging sons with interesting topics 👉worksheets and learning materials 👉student books 👉home works 👉free e-books and textbooks 👉honest feedback How do I teach: 📌I believe the best way to build up your strength in English is through context. 📌Learning English can be challenging and enjoyable and rewarding at the same time. 📌We will talk about various topics with new phrases and make stories and even role-play. 📌Do not push yourself to memorize a long list of vocabularies and idioms just be in touch with English and try to make the best of what you know. 🎈IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG: And you need to cancel or reschedule sons, don't worry. Take it easy and just let me know as soon as possible. we will reschedule a new time and date. 🎈IF YOU ARE ABSENT: The son will be marked as completed as there are other students waiting for an open time slot and they could have taken the time slot. 💜Looking forward to getting to know you and helping you in learning English.💜
자기소개 내용 모두 보기


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수업 방식에 대해 더 자세히 알아보기
기타 수업 시간
5회 이상 시 추가 혜택이 있습니다. 우측 하단에서 가격을 확인하시거나 장바구니에서 선택하세요!


전체 시간 표시

593 개의 영어강의평가

  • Colin
    오늘 두번째 수업을 했는데~예전에 배웠던 영어들이 많이 생각이 났어요! 그래서 영어에 자신감이 많아 생겼어요~선생님 감사합니다💕
  • Ruth
모두 593 개의 강의평가 보기

수강생 평점



  • 2009 - 2020 English schools


  • 2011 - 2015 PNU university English Literature 증명서를 업로드했습니다

  • 2009 - 2020 English schools
  • 2011 - 2015

    PNU university

    English Literature 증명서를 업로드했습니다

자주 묻는 질문

예약 방법

  • 강의 구매 후 선생님의 강의 스케줄에 표시된 시간에 수업을 신청하세요.
  • 『바로 수업 가능』이라고 표시되어 있다면, 즉시 수업을 예약할 수 있어요.
  • 그렇지 않다면 24시간 이후의 수업부터 예약할 수 있어요.


  • 맛보기 수업 시간은 약 25분입니다
  • 정규 수업 시간은 25분 혹은 50분입니다
  • 정규 수업 5회 이상 구매 시 추가 할인이 있습니다. (선생님의 수강료에 따라 상이)


  • 수업 10분 전 사이트에 들어가, 『나의 강의실』내에서 수강할 수업을 찾은 뒤 『교실 들어가기』를 선택하면 ZOOM이 시작되고 수업을 시작할 수 있습니다
  • 휴대폰, PC 모두 ZOOM을 이용해 수업을 들을 수 있습니다. (휴대폰에 미리 ZOOM 어플리케이션을 설치해 주세요)

환불 참고 사항

  • 수업 중 문제가 발생하면 『문제신고』를 클릭하세요. 선생님이 다시 예약을 하거나 AT코인으로 환불해드려요.
  • 선생님이 12시간 내에 답장을 하지 않을 경우, 시스템에서 당신에게 자동으로 AT코인을 환불해드려요.
예약 방법
  • 강의 구매 후 선생님의 강의 스케줄에 표시된 시간에 수업을 신청하세요.
  • 『바로 수업 가능』이라고 표시되어 있다면, 즉시 수업을 예약할 수 있어요.
  • 그렇지 않다면 24시간 이후의 수업부터 예약할 수 있어요.
  • 맛보기 수업 시간은 약 25분입니다
  • 정규 수업 시간은 25분 혹은 50분입니다
  • 정규 수업 5회 이상 구매 시 추가 할인이 있습니다. (선생님의 수강료에 따라 상이)
  • 수업 10분 전 사이트에 들어가, 『나의 강의실』내에서 수강할 수업을 찾은 뒤 『교실 들어가기』를 선택하면 ZOOM이 시작되고 수업을 시작할 수 있습니다
  • 휴대폰, PC 모두 ZOOM을 이용해 수업을 들을 수 있습니다. (휴대폰에 미리 ZOOM 어플리케이션을 설치해 주세요)
환불 참고 사항
  • 수업 중 문제가 발생하면 『문제신고』를 클릭하세요. 선생님이 다시 예약을 하거나 AT코인으로 환불해드려요.
  • 선생님이 12시간 내에 답장을 하지 않을 경우, 시스템에서 당신에게 자동으로 AT코인을 환불해드려요.

비슷한 선생님 추천

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