AmazingTalker reviews about our online German tutors

53746 students reviews on AmazingTalker

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wrote toLukas⚡️Muttersprache Deutsch💥 Jurist🎊 Einfach Deutsch reden!

2022/06/22 20:30:58

wrote to🇩🇪Lehrer Alex🥇 - 📝 für Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittene 🥇 - 德语教师 🇩🇪

2022/04/30 00:09:02
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wrote to🎖Wen🔥New Teacher Promotion⭐A1-B2⭐Grammatik⭐Konversation

2025/02/18 12:15:39
這三年來,Wen 老師一直是我學習德語最重要的導師,不僅陪我從零開始,還順利帶我通過 A1、A2 的歌德考試!對於一開始完全不懂德語的我來說,這真的不是件容易的事,但因為老師的教學方式很有系統,學起來比想像中輕鬆很多,也讓我對德語越來越有信心。 老師的課完全不死板,會根據學生的程度調整進度,讓學習變得更有效率。不管是初學還是進階,她都會客製化學習計畫,確保每個人都能跟上節奏,不會有那種學不懂的挫折感。 最讓我喜歡的是,課堂氣氛真的超輕鬆! Wen 老師不只是教書,還很會聊天,讓我在不知不覺中就把德語開口說出來了。她也會給我們很多口說的機會,這對準備考試真的超有幫助,特別是口試部分,讓我上場時沒那麼緊張。 課後老師還會整理筆記,提供小作業,讓我們可以複習,不會學了就忘,加上課程安排很有條理,讓我一步一步穩扎穩打,最後成功考過 A1 和 A2! 這三年學德語的路上真的收穫很多,不只是考試的成就感,還讓我發現學語言可以這麼有趣。真的很感謝 Wen 老師,沒有她的陪伴,我可能沒辦法走這麼遠~未來也希望可以繼續進步,挑戰更高的等級!

wrote toAstrid, Universität Stuttgart

2025/01/11 06:50:25
我常常問很多德語上不同範疇的問題,老師都能盡量回答。這也是為什麼我會要找一個有共同語言的老師來家教學習德語。 之前上過不同的INTENSIV KURS, 一些未能明白的地方,老師一下解釋就明白過來,這好處就是老師也會知道外國人學習德語的困難,自有心得有助學生解決卡住的地方。 德語並不容易掌握,謝謝老師有耐心的帶動學習,上課不會有太大壓力,但又能學到東西。 個人是很推薦有心學習德語的同學們體驗Amazing Talker 的課程,首次上Astrid老師的體驗堂都會享有體驗堂優惠! 讚讚!

wrote to⭐️ Dein Deutsch Tutor-Katja🌈

2024/12/10 23:12:01

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wrote to🔥👑HannahC 🔥DEIN Deutschlehrerin🔥

2024/09/01 23:40:43

wrote toJoyu ⭐️ für Anfänger

2024/07/19 00:06:37
感謝Joyu老師讓我通過B1德國移民的考試,還拿到兩科近滿分的成績,總共考三科,每一科都達到B1的等級。 Joyu老師的教學真的很厲害,我從A1到B1的文法都是老師建立起來的,之前有不會的文法觀念或是比較糾結的部分,在老師的講解下會變得很容易記住,而且有助於德文的基礎建立,老師還會找出比較弱項的地方進行加強。 如果你是第一次學習的德文的人,我會很推薦Joyu老師,因為老師很有耐心,會陪同你一步一步建立德文的概念,並且課後給予小作業,而且老師的訓練方法也很好,幫助學生提升聽力能力。 老師上課也會補充一些德國文化或是德國風俗民情,因為老師本身也有很多海外生活經驗,上課十分有趣,而且老師也很關心學生,如果你想建立踏實的德文文法跟怎麼學德文,一定要找Joyu老師!

wrote toSheryl✨Goethe C1 ✨ Prüfung Vorbereitung Goethe, TELC, DaF

2024/07/08 21:59:17

wrote toJoyu ⭐️ für Anfänger

2024/07/06 00:41:33

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Outstanding tutorsChoose from highly qualified tutors around the globe

How it works

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Choose a time and book a classOnce you’ve bought a lesson, choose a time slot and book your class.
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Learn when you want, from where you wantTake the lesson anywhere you want with your mobile device or computer.
When it's time for your lesson, load your class via Zoom and start learning!

Average tutor prices by tutors' nationality

  • China

    ¥136.03 - ¥226.71 / hr

  • Duitsland

    ¥112.41 - ¥187.36 / hr

  • Verenigd Koninkrijk

    ¥125.12 - ¥208.53 / hr

  • Canada

    ¥72.10 - ¥120.16 / hr

  • Taiwan

    ¥124.20 - ¥207.00 / hr

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Q1. Why should I learn on AmazingTalker?

AmazingTalker’s one-on-one tutoring services are ideal for everyone who wants to learn efficiently and effectively. We have professional tutors for toddlers, small children, older kids, middle and high school students, and adults of all levels, including tutors for beginner, intermediate and advanced classes.

Our tutoring services can help you improve in all aspects of the language - listening, writing, reading, speaking, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. You can also customize your lesson focus (e.g., a business programs). Whether your goal is to improve your conversation skills for fun, prepare for a test or speak more fluently at work, AmazingTalker's tutors are here to help.
Q2. Who are our tutors?

AmazingTalker handpicks only the best local and international tutors.

Each prospective instructor must undergo a rigorous selection process before becoming an AT tutor, after which their performance is constantly monitored. Try a class and start learning today.
Q3. How do I choose my tutor?

If you have a clear idea of your criteria for choosing a tutor - such as any specific learning objectives, target cost for tutoring, etc. - you can use the search function to quickly find a tutor who suits your needs, and select “book trial” to set up your first online lesson.

If you don't have time to find a tutor or aren't sure where to start, we can help with recommendations. Try using our tutor recommendation tool here, which will provide you with tutor matches according to your selected needs.
Q4. What's the right learning environment for me? Should I choose a tutor who is a native speaker?

One of the best ways to learn is to immerse yourself in an environment where you try to use only .

However, if you do not currently have a solid base in spelling and/or vocabulary, we recommend you choose a bilingual tutor who speaks your target language and your native language, as you will likely have a better learning experience during your one-on-one private tutoring.

If you have a good range of vocabulary but lack the opportunity to practice, then we recommend you choose a native tutor.
Q5. Learn in the US - how do I find a local or online tutor?

You're in the right place. We have local tutors serving New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose and most other areas nationwide, as well as numerous tutors based internationally.
Q6. How much will my online class cost?

All tutoring fees are set by the tutors themselves, and not by AT. Most of our tutors charge USD$10-30 per hour.

You can also get matched with suitable tutors who fit a specific budget. If the tutor’s fees work for you, you can buy a lesson package from them or start with a “trial lesson.”
Q7. How do I pay for my lessons?

Q7. How do I pay for my lessons?
Q8. How many lessons should I purchase?

If you have a short term goal, we recommend you purchase enough lessons that you can take classes consistently within your timeframe. If you need significant improvement to reach your goal, we recommend you an adequate number of lessons, and get into the habit of regular weekly learning! The more you put in, the more you get out of it!
Q9. What if I have more questions?

Our FAQs page should have answers to most of your questions. If you can't find the answer to your question on the FAQs page, you can contact us by clicking the red question mark (?) icon at the bottom right of your screen.