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Study Básico Japonês with a teacher who is just focused on you!
Welcome to AmazingTalker, an online Japonês learning platform that offers a wide range of classes for all levels from kids to adults! We have over 1.4 million students that currently study Básico Japonês to improve skills such as business, conversations, grammar, and more. We got you covered.
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Study Básico Japonês with a teacher who would tailor-make an Básico Japonês class that suits you!
AmazingTalker, an online Básico Japonês learning platform that offers a wide range of classes for all levels from kids to adults with 1.4m students around the world!
Where to start? Try out our AI Matching system to get in touch with the best-fit tutors. Get in touch now!
这次的新绘本有很多汉字没有假名,老师也都是鼓励为主,而且这次的绘本故事无意间发现和 的时候买的一本书讲的故事是一样的哈哈哈哈哈
連上了兩晚,以後保持這個速度應該還可以 😸 謝謝老師耐心指導,辛苦了
最近连续上了5堂课,也终于找到一位好的老师 老师教法真的很好很快就可以掌握了一些基本的文法和单词,希望有天能完全用 和老师沟通😆
最近的三堂課都上得十分地開心😆這幾堂課中我學習了很多 的文法,平假名還有在 怎麽說時間等等.真的學到了很多新知識😎非常謝謝miu老師!!!特別是我網卡時還會特地停下來,等我從這個史上最卡的網絡回歸!! 最後至於爲什麽說最近三堂課,因爲我發現我上兩堂課竟然都忘記寫評價了,所以今天全部補回來🤣