Study JLPT N5 online with the best Japonês tutor

Study JLPT N5 online with the best Japonês tutor

Study JLPT N5 with a teacher who is just focused on you!

Welcome to AmazingTalker, an online Japonês learning platform that offers a wide range of classes for all levels from kids to adults! We have over 1.4 million students that currently study JLPT N5 to improve skills such as business, conversations, grammar, and more. We got you covered.

Where to start? Try out our AI Matching system to automatically get in touch with the best-fit tutors. All contacted tutors will assist you right away and tailor-make an JLPT N5 class that suits you. Get in touch now!

Study JLPT N5 online with the best Japonês tutor

Study JLPT N5 with a teacher who would tailor-make an JLPT N5 class that suits you!

AmazingTalker, an online JLPT N5 learning platform that offers a wide range of classes for all levels from kids to adults with 1.4m students around the world!

Where to start? Try out our AI Matching system to get in touch with the best-fit tutors. Get in touch now!

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  • 大学教歴30年 日20年/仏10年
    初心者から上級まで柔軟に対応します。京都ノートルダム女子大名誉教授。 語教育で定評のあるINALCO(フランス国立東洋言語文化大学) 語科で約10年間教えました。Ph.D.論文は仏語で提出。26年間仏語プロ通訳の経験もあり、日仏両言語の構文の違いを仏語で説明が可能。                           
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  • 🌴Japanese conversation/JLPT🌴
    InglêsC1 Advanced
    🍏Certified Japanese Teacher 🍏University language tutor 🍏Teaching experience in Japan and US 🍏Born in Okinawa 🍏live in the US 🍏Survival Japanese course 🍏JLPT N3 -N5 exam course ☘️100% free material ☘️Original son note ☘️interactive games ☘️learn on your own pace ☘️Japanese culture Learning Japanese, Learning new life !!
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  •  Listen, speak, read and write
    JaponêsC2 Proficient
    Chinês simplificadoNative
    InglêsA2 Elementary
    🌻 Multilingual, fluent in Chinese and Japanese 🌻 Good at listening, speaking, reading, writing, fifty-tone chart 🌻 More than 5 years teaching experience, both at home and abroad! 🌻 Background in International education, Chinese language and International Trade 🌻 Natural pronunciation guide, so you can quickly acquire pronunciation skills
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  • Japanese conversation
    Chinês simplificadoNative
    InglêsB2 Upper-Intermediate
    🌸Native Japanese speaker with JLPT N1 certification🌸👩‍🏫3 years of experience as a private tutor👩‍🏫🌏Specialized in Conversational Japanese, Japanese for Travel, and Japanese as a Hobby🌏🇹🇼Taiwanese nationality, fluent in both Japanese and Mandarin🇹🇼Join me and let's explore the beauty of Japanese language and culture together!🌸
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  • JLPT and conversation ! !
    InglêsC1 Advanced
    TagaloA2 Elementary
    Strong in JLPTN1-5 and conversation! ! 💪 I will help you achieve your goals with a curriculum that suits you and original methods. ・Professional instructor with Japanese language teaching qualification ・More than 40 years of teaching experience in Japan and overseas
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50 min
  • AmazingTalker1900class 🎉
    Chinês simplificadoB2 Upper-Intermediate
    InglêsB1 Intermediate
    Hello, I'm Izumi ✨ 🔖 6 years of teaching Japanese 🔖 Born in Tokyo🔖I like watching Chinese & Korean dramas. I like cats. I love art🔖 I can speak a little Chinese & English ✨Introductory (Japanese that can be understood by pictures) Words Everyday conversation Beginner / Intermediate (pronunciation / grammar / reading comprehension)
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  • Lots of topics 👍 Chinese OK
    Chinês simplificadoC2 Proficient
    InglêsA1 Beginner
    👨🏼‍💼 Experienced in teaching infants, elementary school students, middle school students, and adults Text used Picture books, elementary school textbooks, junior high school textbooks, Japanese language test texts 7 years of teaching experience 🏆 You can achieve your goals! ☆Learning plan ☆Time schedule ☆Learning method to make dreams come true
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  • Free&Business Conversation
    InglêsC2 Proficient
    🇯🇵About Itsuki 🇯🇵 ⭐️ Japanese ⭐️Born in Japan, raised in Japan ⭐️ Japanese, English OK! ! ⭐️ More than 1 year experience as a teacher ✌️ Itsuki-sensei is recommended for people like this ✌️ 🌻Those who are looking for a native Japanese teacher 🌻Those who are looking for a teacher who speaks English
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  • 🌸Methodology Teacher🥇
    Chinês simplificadoNative
    🌸 Friendly Japanese Teacher 🌸 3 years overseas teaching 🌸 Specializes in conversation, casual Japanese, and beginner courses🍀JLPT and teaching qualifications🏫Experienced in online and offline sons 🍊 Professional for young learners🥇JLPT prep expert 📝 Learn quickly with Shimi-sensei🍓Simple methods for beginners🍀Friendly and enjoyable sons ✨🧑‍🏫
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  • Conversation|Beginner|Fundamental
    Chinês simplificadoA1 Beginner
    CantonêsA1 Beginner
    📸 Feel frustrated learning Japanese? Join Miyu's class and starting being confident! 👨🏼‍💼 Worked as 事務職for 5 years 🏆 Effective, goal-oriented classes to help you reach you goal day by day! 📈Conversation&Beginner&Fundamental expert personalizes your course plan to start out right! 🚩 A lot of students achieve desired results after learning with me. Join us right now!
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  • 師大教育系🎎 精通中文 🇯🇵 全方位
    Chinês simplificadoB2 Upper-Intermediate
    EspanholB1 Intermediate
    💥台灣的大學在讀師大教育系 ,💥日文家教經驗3|多年經驗找出最合適的學習方式 💥純正日式口音 💥適合初學者 不再害怕和母語人士說日文 免費課堂筆記 💯解決您日文學習的疑難雜症,從零打好基礎,三個月開口說日文!!我是一個有熱情且樂於分享學習經驗的專業 老師,快來預約一堂體驗課,跟我一起踏上你的 學習旅程吧!
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  • \🔰English🗣️Group-Lesson40%OFF/
    Chinês simplificadoA1 Beginner
    InglêsC1 Advanced
    🎓 Certified Japanese teacher with 7 years of experience 🏆 Specialized in conversational Japanese, Japanese for beginners, and Japanese for travel 🌍 Native Japanese speaker 🇯🇵 Worked as a private tutor and cram school instructor 📚 Passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test 🥇 Let's learn Japanese in a fun and effective way together! 🎉
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  • Conversation・JLPT・Whisky
    Chinês simplificadoNative
    InglêsC2 Proficient
    📚Certified&4 years of experience, worked at Japanese language school teacher✅JLPT N1, native Chinese, TOEIC 960📖Over 600+ sons🎉 Students learned to communicate within 10 sons!👫 Japanese's husbund🇯🇵 9th year in Japan🗼 years in Tokyo, 🏯 4th year in Osaka✈️ Helped 10++ students to travel.🎓Japan university, Japanese literature and culture
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  • 住在神戶的 人/可中,日文授課
    Chinês simplificadoC2 Proficient
    ✋我是來自 神戶的日籍老師Mei, 對於關西腔有興趣的同學能來找我學習 🌎曾留學台灣、住澳門10年,會說流利中文、簡單廣東話, 上課能以中、日雙語流利教學 ❤️通過 語能力試驗最高級水平(N1) 能教授基礎~高階的日文會話、語法、文化、旅遊等等✨✨
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  • Speaking/Kids/JLPT/business
    Chinês simplificadoA1 Beginner
    InglêsB1 Intermediate
    Over 1900 sons🎖️ Join Sonoko's class and starting being confident! 🎖️I have a certificate as a Japanese language teacher .and also for s. ●I have many fun materials for s🎀 ●JLPT N5~N2 ●Interview Support ●travel 🎓French and French Literature 🏦Worked as Bankclark for 5 years 🗽Used to live in America
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Native speakers
  • JLPT小班招生中|6折超優惠
    Chinês simplificadoC2 Proficient
    CantonêsA1 Beginner
    ✨ 住在台灣的 人老師 ✨ 可中文上課也可日文上課 ✨ 精通N5~N1 ✨ JLPT合格秘訣 ✨ 高級 課程 ✨ 主題式會話課程 ✨ 動漫內容教學 ✨ 關西腔分享 ✨ 商用 ✨ 大量口說機會 ✨ 教學經驗7年 ✨ 客製化課程 ✨ 輕鬆上課紮實學習 ✨ 教材多元可選擇✨團體小班熱烈招生中、團體班動漫會話課程、團體班超有趣關西腔課程
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  • 5 years+ teaching experience
    InglêsC1 Advanced
    ☀️Certified Japanese Teacher ☀️Native speaker with clear accent and pronunciation ☀️Class Teaching Experience in Institute in Japan, Chile ☀️N5-N2 Grammar Expert ☀️Perfect pronunciation and grammar ☀️Bachelor in Linguistics/English        
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  • 🌸Daily Japanese|Beginner|JLPT📚
    Chinês simplificadoA2 Elementary
    InglêsC1 Advanced
    🔥WEEKDAY 9am-12pm DISCOUNT OFFER🔥 🇯🇵🎓 Hello! I'm a native Japanese speaker with over 9years of teaching experience. I have conducted over 5000 Japanese classes on Amazing Talker.🌼I'm certified with the Japanese Language Teaching and have a TOEIC score of 905. 🌼I'm excited to help you on your language learning journey! 🌟📚
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  • Shin | Native Teacher 🍣
    Chinês simplificadoB1 Intermediate
    InglêsB1 Intermediate
    📸 Feeling frustrated with your Japanese learning? Join Shin's sons and gain confidence! 👨🏼‍💼 With 6 years of teaching experience across all ages and levels, 🌷 I'll help you achieve your goals with efficient, goal-oriented sons. 🚩 Many students have achieved their desired results after learning with me. Let's start learning together now! 😀
    Mais informações
  • Talk,Business,Test
    Chinês simplificadoNative
    FrancêsB1 Intermediate
    🌸Native Japanese speaker with N1 JLPT certification🌸 🎓4 years of teaching experience, specializing in conversational Japanese, Test preparation, Business Japanese and beginner's Japanese🎓 🌍Trilingual in Japanese, Chinese and English🌍 👩‍🏫Passionate about helping students achieve their language goals👩‍🏫 Let's learn and grow together!
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agendamento à sua escolhaVocê pode agendar sua aula no seu ritmo e horário
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568 reviews of JLPT N5

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十二月 19日 2024

第225節課完成// 2024年跟Rio老師學日文的最後一節課結束了~今年因為各種變化調整導致都沒有好好寫全課後評價☹️ 但是一直有在好好上課! 今年徹徹底底學習並複習好了N4-N2的文法;在Rio先生的指導下語音語調也在火箭般變好;閱讀練習也真的越來越好了~雖然理解上不一定完全對 但是在慢慢提高;每次的詞彙考查雖然難度越來越大,但是會帶著「儘量多對一點吧~不要讓Rio先生寒心」的心態完成著~! 雖然明年7月參加N2考試還有一些時間,但是已經從心底覺得明年的前半年一定是在很有規劃和節奏的狀態下去備考了🌟而且相信自己一定還會努力越來越好的~~ 以要跟Rio先生學一輩子 為目標好好努力💪🏻真的真的2024年也辛苦Rio先生了🍀(深鞠躬🙇🏻‍♀️)

àROBU 🌳20以上日商工作經驗🍁自由口譯筆譯 🌸JLPT N1
九月 23日 2023


à💥平台最快🚀現任 職場10年+🔥るる老師
四月 10日 2023


à【長休中】自己畫教材的Nana 🌸 初級會話專屬 💗 聽說讀寫好簡單
七月 22日 2021

老師很有耐心,遇到不會的,會一一給我講解。 謝謝老師的用心!


Necessidades de outros alunos

Os alunos tomam a iniciativa de preencher os requisitos da aula, corresponder a aula com um professor adequado através da mídia da plataforma

JLPT N5 Como se escolher um professore

Why should I learn JLPT N5 on AmazingTalker?

AmazingTalker’s one-on-one JLPT N5 tutors are suitable for everyone who wants to learn JLPT N5 efficiently and effectively. We have professional JLPT N5 tutors for toddlers, small children, older kids, middle and high school students, and adults of all levels, including tutors for beginner, intermediate and advanced JLPT N5 language classes.

Our JLPT N5 tutoring services can help you to improve in all aspects of the language - listening, writing, reading, speaking, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. You can also customize your study focus (for example, a business JLPT N5 program). Whether your goal is to improve your JLPT N5 conversation skills for fun, prepare for a test or speak more fluently at work, AmazingTalker’s JLPT N5 tutors are here to help.

Who are our JLPT N5 tutors?

AmazingTalker handpicks only the best local and international JLPT N5 tutors.

Each prospective instructor must undergo a rigorous selection process before becoming an AT JLPT N5 tutor, after which their performance is constantly monitored. Try a class and start learning today.

How do I find a JLPT N5 tutor?

If you want to find a JLPT N5 tutor near you and you have a clear idea of your criteria for choosing one - such as any learning objectives, target cost for JLPT N5 tutoring, etc. - you can use the search function to find a JLPT N5 tutor near you who suits your needs. You can then contact the tutor or book a trial class to start your learning adventure.

However, if you're not sure where to start, we're here to help. Try using our tutor recommendation system, and you'll automatically get matched with JLPT N5 tutors who fit your criteria!

What's the best learning environment for me? Should I choose a native speaker as my JLPT N5 tutor?

One of the best ways to learn JLPT N5 is to immerse yourself in an environment where you try to use only JLPT N5.

However, if you do not currently have a solid base in spelling and/or vocabulary, we recommend you choose a bilingual tutor who speaks your target language and your native language, as you will likely have a better learning experience during your one-on-one private tutoring.

If you have a good range of vocabulary but lack the opportunity to practice, then we recommend you choose a native JLPT N5 coach.

Where can I learn JLPT N5 near me?

You can start learning JLPT N5 with an online JLPT N5 tutor from home now! For local instructors, our platform makes it easy to find JLPT N5 tutors serving .

When can I learn JLPT N5 with JLPT N5 tutors online?

In terms of scheduling, you can set up your lessons for whenever is convenient. You can set up classes with your private JLPT N5 tutor for the morning, afternoon, evening or late night in your time zone. If you don't have much availability during the week, we have JLPT N5 tutors available on weekends as well.

How much is the cost per hour?

All fees and tuition are set by the JLPT N5 tutors themselves, not by AT. For reference, most of our tutors charge roughly USD$10-30 per hour.

How do I pay for the cost of learning JLPT N5?

You can pay with PayPal or credit card (American Express, Mastercard, or Visa). For certain international markets (e.g. Taiwan, China), we also accept local methods of payment, such as payment via ATM or convenience store.

What makes AmazingTalker unique?

With AmazingTalker, you can work with high-quality JLPT N5 tutors at affordable prices from the convenience of your own home, while getting customized learning plans and 1-on-1 attention.

Unlike many other online language learning platforms, AmazingTalker believes that the best way to learn JLPT N5 is by working with real native speakers and tutors. Regardless of which of our 60+ languages or topics you want to focus on, we believe that the way you learn should be designed for your needs and goals.

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