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Study Japonês a fala with a teacher who is just focused on you!
Welcome to AmazingTalker, an online Japonês learning platform that offers a wide range of classes for all levels from kids to adults! We have over 1.4 million students that currently study Japonês a fala to improve skills such as business, conversations, grammar, and more. We got you covered.
Where to start? Try out our AI Matching system to automatically get in touch with the best-fit tutors. All contacted tutors will assist you right away and tailor-make an Japonês a fala class that suits you. Get in touch now!
Study Japonês a fala with a teacher who would tailor-make an Japonês a fala class that suits you!
AmazingTalker, an online Japonês a fala learning platform that offers a wide range of classes for all levels from kids to adults with 1.4m students around the world!
Where to start? Try out our AI Matching system to get in touch with the best-fit tutors. Get in touch now!
中文没有时态,希望老师更明确指出 时态的错误
可以和老师聊很多自己感兴趣的话题,同时她也可以用英文来解释。我慢慢地从哑巴 走出来,谢谢她给我的鼓励和支持。
久違地寫評論,今天也是腦袋嗡嗡作響,但上好課後彷彿腦袋運動過一般,反而沒有那麼累了。 最近Zoom換了新的系統,有Share Screen和Meeting Room兩個畫面可以切換。 結果今天我按到Meeting Room(人頭畫面)而無所察覺,所以老師一直在桌面寫東西我都沒看到,最後才發現哈哈哈哈 總體來說我覺得走到今天很不可思議 雖然還是對自己有諸多不滿(我覺得老師已經不會對這點感到驚訝了哈哈哈哈) 但是我覺得如果沒有做到自己想要的事情的話,是不會善罷甘休的,所以就不想那麼多,もやるしかない🔥
跟著老師學到很多 教材中不會教的用語,收穫滿滿