오늘 선생님과 스트레스 해소 방법하고 한국/대만 학생들의 재수, 전과, 편입 선택에 대해 이야기했습니다. 전에 대만과 한국 모두 입시주의가 있다는 것을 알고 있었지만, 선생님이랑 얘기한 후 두 나라의 선택에서 차이를 관찰할 수 있어서 정말 재미있었어요:)
Tell us your needs and we will match you with 3 ideal tutors in 30 seconds!
wrote to*8折* 🇹🇼在台灣生活過 🇰🇷韓文教學系(6年的教書經歷)
21/01/2025 17:28
대화가 잘 이어가서 수업 때 잇프피인 저한테 편하게 말할 수 있었던 것 같아요. 동건 쌤이 문법에 대해 정말 자세히 설명해 주시고, 제가 원래 헷갈리는 부분도 그렇고, 몰랐던 뉘앙스 차이까지 다 알려 주셔서 정말 많이 배웠어요.
剛好跟老師上韓文課三個月了!雖然每週只上一節課,但每次都十分期待用有趣輕鬆的方式學習文法和用詞。尤其我的口說跟聆聽部分比較弱,老師都很要耐心鼓勵我多嘗試練習,令我在短短三個月進步了不少。非常慶幸第一次找老師學韓文就能遇到채영老師,推薦想學韓文的人來找老師上課 ^^
선생님을 인지 3개월 됐어요! 일주일에 한 수업 인지만 수업마다 문법이랑 단어를 재미있게 공부해요. 특히 듣기랑 말하기가 약해서 연습을 많이 했어요. 한국어 처음 공부할 때 채영 쌤 만날 수 있어서 너무 다행이에요. 감사합니다~
Yu Ya
wrote to🏅Jay🏅現代汽車工程師工作2年🚘三星電子工程師👨🔧MZ世代朋友般的老師🔥
11/12/2024 20:25
✅Purpose of learning: Traveling, using Korean to communicate with local people, just for fun~
✅Learning method: Use standard textbooks to develop Korean language sense
✅Current level: self-taught pronunciation, level 0, Jay’s English is very good
✅Feelings: Because I couldn’t teach in Korean, I tried 7 trial classes. Jay is the teacher who explains the most clearly and fluently in English, which is very suitable for students of my level~
Yu Ya
wrote to🔥Terry老师🔥毕业于高丽大学🌈精通中文👩🎓曾在韩语教育中心工作📚有建筑室内设计经验💪大中华地区1:1辅导(从初级到高级)💗10个国家交流
11/12/2024 20:21
✅感受:我喜歡學習語言,總共對7位老師發送學習需求,Terry老師是少數有認真閱讀我的需求之一的老師~ 完全get到我想速成的目標~ 也幫我安排我覺得最有效率的學習方法!最後選擇了Terry老師~
🔅BTW Terry 的課程設計非常有目標&策略,自身的學習成績肯定很好~ 長得也很可愛~ 希望上課賞心悅目的同學請預約體驗課 :D
✅Purpose of learning: Traveling, using Korean to communicate with local people, just for fun~
✅Learning method: Quickly accumulate vocabularies and grammar through tutoring, and at the same time learn commonly used local sentences and culture with the teacher
✅Current level: self-taught pronunciation, beginner level, Terry can speak Chinese and English along the class
✅Feelings: I like learning languages. I have sent my learning needs to 7 teachers prior classes. Terry is one of the few teachers who carefully read my needs~ he completely got what I wanted and helped me arrange class design in the most efficient way.
🔅BTW Terry's study learning plan is very strategic, he must be very good at studying, also looks very cute~ If you want to enjoy the class, please make an appointment for a trial class: D
wrote to💖Hanol💖吉林大學國際漢語教育碩士🏆北京清華大學、上海華東師範大學語言培訓📚韓國學專業❤️🔥初級到高級🔥K-DRAMA🎬K-POP🎧
요즘은 원래 수업 내용 외에 글쓰기 연습도 많이 하고 있어요. 혜령 쌤은 항상 꼼꼼하게 가르쳐주셔서 정말 감사합니다!! 수업 할 때마다 즐거워요!! 앞으로도 한수어를 열심히 공부하겠습니다!!
wrote to🇹🇼台韓人🇰🇷 May 💙 韓語聽說讀寫👀🦻🏻👄✍🏻 (어머어머)
24/11/2024 09:50
跟 May 老師上課大概兩年了,老師還是一樣有耐心、細心跟親切~上課氣氛很輕鬆。課堂一開始會聊一下最近生活狀況,老師通常會邊講邊把韓文打出來在筆記上,對於複習非常有幫助,不懂的地方也會用中文或英文解釋,很容易理解
上課主要使用首爾大教材,之前想開始準備 topik 老師也馬上對課程安排做調整,課後作業會有寫跟錄音的部分,會在課堂上幫忙批改,除了改文法錯誤之外,老師也常會幫忙把句子改寫成比較通順的寫法,覺得很用心!錄音作業如果有發音問題,老師會在課堂上點出,一起練習,非常推薦想學韓文的人跟 May 老師上課 :)
wrote toRenny🌈東京お茶の水大學🇨🇳中文複式專業🇫🇷法語專業🇯🇵商務通譯2年
16/11/2024 18:41
Renny is great. She speaks fluent Japanese and English, and is learning Chinese. This is perfect for beginners who can speak any of the mentioned languages, particularly Japanese, to avoid ineffective communication through only Korean and body language. Hence, I have a feeling that I can improve soon. She's kind and passionate and adjusted teaching approach to fit my needs. I feel good learning with her.
wrote to善勤Sun🌞可以用英文中文授課🏅會話作文老師
16/11/2024 09:07
完成了20堂與善勤老師的課程,從韓文完全0基礎到現在學會很多的重要句型跟簡單會話,老師的上課內容會根據個人的進度調整,適時的補充需要加強的句法,下課也會提供上課內容做為復習用,只要跟著老師的腳步,一定能學好韓文。老師會多國語文,自身上課以英文為主,中文為輔,完全不會有溝通的障礙,想學習好韓文,善勤老師是最佳選擇 :)
I am able to speak , read and write basic Korean from knowing nothing about the language in 20 classes. He's always on time and responsible for classes. He adjusts class content according to your progress and makes sure you fully understand the new part before moving on. I highly recommend teacher Sun.
Teacher Sun is the best !
채영 선생님은 정말 좋은 선생님이에요!!!!
의심의 여지 없이!!!
만약 당신이 당신의 한국어 능력을 향상시키고 싶다면 채영 선생님을 선택해 주세요~~~
선생님이 계시기에 오늘의 제가 있습니다!!
사랑해 🩷🩷
wrote to🌸Miracle老師 🌸 优惠 🔥 播音員出身 🎤 從基礎到高級 所有等級都可以
23/10/2024 18:22
跟Mira老師上了三堂課,她教得超好的!! 一節課感覺內容很豐富,可以學到很多東西. 老師人很親切,又常常稱讚和鼓勵我, 上課氣氛很輕鬆愉快. 難怪老師在這裏人氣這麼高. 我非常期待跟老師學韓文.
I’ve taken three classes with Mira, and she teaches exceptionally well. Each class feels very enriching, and I can learn a lot. Mira is very kind and often praises and encourages me, creating a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere in class. No wonder she is so popular here! I am really looking forward to learning Korean with her.
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Corea del Sud
Corea del Sud
¥87.40 - ¥145.67 / hr
¥66.70 - ¥111.16 / hr
Repubblica di Cina
¥92.85 - ¥154.75 / hr
Hong Kong
¥106.96 - ¥178.26 / hr
Stati Uniti d'America
Stati Uniti d'America
¥67.95 - ¥113.25 / hr
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Q1. Why should I learn on AmazingTalker?
AmazingTalker’s one-on-one tutoring services are ideal for everyone who wants to learn efficiently and effectively. We have professional tutors for toddlers, small children, older kids, middle and high school students, and adults of all levels, including tutors for beginner, intermediate and advanced classes.
Our tutoring services can help you improve in all aspects of the language - listening, writing, reading, speaking, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. You can also customize your lesson focus (e.g., a business programs). Whether your goal is to improve your conversation skills for fun, prepare for a test or speak more fluently at work, AmazingTalker's tutors are here to help.
Q2. Who are our tutors?
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If you have a clear idea of your criteria for choosing a tutor - such as any specific learning objectives, target cost for tutoring, etc. - you can use the search function to quickly find a tutor who suits your needs, and select “book trial” to set up your first online lesson.
If you don't have time to find a tutor or aren't sure where to start, we can help with recommendations. Try using our tutor recommendation tool here, which will provide you with tutor matches according to your selected needs.
Q4. What's the right learning environment for me? Should I choose a tutor who is a native speaker?
One of the best ways to learn is to immerse yourself in an environment where you try to use only .
However, if you do not currently have a solid base in spelling and/or vocabulary, we recommend you choose a bilingual tutor who speaks your target language and your native language, as you will likely have a better learning experience during your one-on-one private tutoring.
If you have a good range of vocabulary but lack the opportunity to practice, then we recommend you choose a native tutor.
Q5. Learn in the US - how do I find a local or online tutor?
You're in the right place. We have local tutors serving New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose and most other areas nationwide, as well as numerous tutors based internationally.
Q6. How much will my online class cost?
All tutoring fees are set by the tutors themselves, and not by AT. Most of our tutors charge USD$10-30 per hour.
You can also get matched with suitable tutors who fit a specific budget. If the tutor’s fees work for you, you can buy a lesson package from them or start with a “trial lesson.”
Q7. How do I pay for my lessons?
Q7. How do I pay for my lessons?
Q8. How many lessons should I purchase?
If you have a short term goal, we recommend you purchase enough lessons that you can take classes consistently within your timeframe. If you need significant improvement to reach your goal, we recommend you an adequate number of lessons, and get into the habit of regular weekly learning! The more you put in, the more you get out of it!
Q9. What if I have more questions?
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